
Weekly training review - October 1st-7th

What an amazing week of training! This one was filled with personal records (PRs) of all sorts, as well as amazing fun with and support from my Team Chances teammates - and super-awesome coach, Susan!

Monday was meant as a medium run, 8mi. I was still sore from my longest run ever on Saturday, so I took it a little easy. What was especially cool about this run was that I run-commuted to work! I live about 7.5 mi SE of ASU. Having dropped off a change of clothes in my locker at the SRC on Sunday, I left home with just some fluids and headed north on McClintock before finding the canal and heading east and then north up to campus. I'll admit that it wasn't a great run: 105mins for 7.5mi. But it felt pretty good.

Tuesday was my first day in the gym with my new online coaching plan. It was, admittedly, not a huge success, in that I really don't know what I am doing. For instance, I couldn't figure out the "pronated bat wing", even with the help of Google and two smart friends. And I was SORE afterward, suggesting that I might not have particularly good form. But this week was really about running, and so I took it in stride and went from there.

Wednesday was supposed to begin with track, but I had a meeting downtown so saved track for the evening, with Tricia and Lisa. They really pushed me and it was amazing! The workout and my times were as follows:

Short w/u

2 x 1200m at 10k pace/effort (9:47/mi) + 90s rest after each interval

800m at 5k pace/effort (8:34/mi) + 90s rest

4 x 400m at faster than mile pace (7:18/mi, 8:32/mi, 10:25/mi, 8:26mi) + 60s rest after each interval

Suffice it to say, I was bloody thrilled with these paces. I know, I know, real runners run much faster. But I compare myself only to myself, and these were some fast paces for me. Wanda and I wrapped up the evening with a visit to the dog park.

Thursday was meant to include a short recovery run, but I had a very long day at work and just couldn't do it. On top of that, I inadvertently slept in on Friday morning, and so missed the yoga to which I had been looking forward all week. But, apparently, the rest did me good, because Saturday began with THE BEST RUN OF MY LIFE!

Saturday's run was a 10mi time trial around the Lakewood Loop. Susan wanted us to start out at our 1/2-marathon pace for two laps, and then pick it up for the final two laps (each lap was 2.5mi). I had on my cute new running outfit, matching shirt and shorts, and was raring to go, so much so that I started off at much quicker than my 1/2 marathon pace. In fact, I did exactly the opposite of what Susan wanted (which means I still have a lot to learn!): I positive split my laps, which means each one got progressively slower. But there was some variation in there: Mile 1 = 10:05, mile 2 = 10:16, mile 10 = 10:19, with various miles in between from 10:36-11:19. For me, this is fast. In fact, this day included a 2-year PR for 5k, a PR for 10k, a PR for 15k, and a PR for 10mi. I was overjoyed, jubiliant, and totally ecstatic about this performance. I ran 1:47 for the 10mi - almost exactly the same time as I ran for 7.5mi on Monday!

The rest of Saturday involved basking in the glow of achievement, and sleeping. My feet felt really good, and still do. We had a lovely meal with some wonderful people on Saturday night, and then I did an easy 40mi with Mark and Max on Sunday to spin out my legs and enjoy the gorgeous slightly cooler weather. We ended the day with a tasty Belgian Blonde at Flanny's and a spectacular meal at Nourish. Best. Training. Week. Ever.



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YOUR TRACK TIMES!!!!! LOOK AT YOUR!!!!! You have come so far Jason, and I am so proud of you and thrilled to get to watch your journey!! Amazing. Now please join daily mile already so I can stalk all of your training on a daily basis ;)

October 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAri

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